Countries represented in our Network: Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Australia,
Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, India, Indonesia,
Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali,
Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal,
Russia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria,
Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United States, Uzbekistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Current list of partners (for security reasons, some partners not listed):
Africa Bible College (ABC), Malawi
Africa International University, Kenya
Anglican Church of Congo, Diocese of Kindu
Anglican Church in Ghana, Sunyani Diocese
Anglican Church of Kenya
Anglican Church of Nigeria, Archdiocese of Jos
Anglican Church of South Sudan
Anglican Church of Tanzania
Anglican Church of Tanzania, Diocese of Kibondo
Anglican Church of Uganda
Anglican International Development (AID), UK
Assembly Aid Abroad, Australia
Asia Graduate School of Theology, Nepal
Association for Christian Religious Practitioners, Southern Africa
Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa, Kenya
Association of Independent Evangelical Churches of Georgia
Bangladesh Evangelical Revival Church
Bible College of the Evangelical Christian Baptist Union, Tajikistan
Bible Media and Nehemiah Bible Institute, Africa
Biblica (South Africa)
Bishop Hannington Institute of Theology and Development, Kenya
Brethren Church, Pakistan
Carlile College, Kenya
Chancellor College, Malawi
Chorra Ministry, Ethiopia
Church of Ceylon, Sri Lanka
Church of North India, Phulbani (Kandhamal) Diocese
Church of South India, Tuticurin – Nazareth Diocese
Church of Pakistan
Daystar University, Kenya
Dinka Congregations in Juba, South Sudan
Domboshava Theological College, Zimbabwe
Doon Bible College, India
Dutch Reformed Church, South Africa
Ecumenical Foundation of Southern Africa
ECWA Theological Seminary Church, Nigeria
Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary
Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology
Evangelical Alliance of Kenya
Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion (EFAC)
Free State University, South Africa
GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference)
HEFSIBA Mozambique
Hugenote College, South Africa
Individual churches from the following:
Assemblies of God, Kyrgyzstan
Assemblies of God, Uzbekistan
Baptist Church, Kazakhstan
Baptist Church, Tajikistan
Pentecostal Church, Turkmenistan
Presbyterian Church, Kazakhstan
Instituto Bíblico de Kaluquembe – Missão Urgente, Angola
Instituto Superior de Teologia Evangelica no Lubango, Angola
Instituto Teológico da Igreja Evangélica Reformada de Angola
International Church of Christ Lagos, Nigeria
International Leadership University, Kenya
Jos ECWA Theological Seminary, Nigeria
Josophat Mwale Theological Institution, Malawi
Justo Mwale University (JMU), Zambia
Methodist Church, Ghana
Methodist Church, Nigeria
Moffat Bible College, Kenya
Morija Theological Seminary, Lesotho
Murray Theological College, Zimbabwe
Nairobi Baptist Church, Kenya
Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary
Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary
Nile Theological College, South Sudan
North West University, South Africa
Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kenya
Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life, UK
Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya
Presbyterian Church, Southern Africa
Pretoria University, South Africa
PTHU Global Christianity, Netherlands
Reach Out Ministries International, India
Redeemed Christian Bible College, Nigeria
Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church of Namibia (REACH)
Reformational Study Centre, Southern Africa
Reformed and Presbyterian Seminary, Nepal
Reformed Church University, Zimbabwe
Reformed Institute for Theological Training, Kenya
Reformed Mission League
Reformed Theological Seminary, Nigeria
Rusitu Bible College, Zimbabwe
Scott Christian University, Kenya
Seminario Emanuel do Dôndi, Angola
Serampore College, India
Southern Africa Region of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Africa (4,000 congregations
10 countries)
South India Biblical Seminary (SIBS)
St Frumentius Abba Selama Kessate Berhan Theological College, Ethiopia
St John’s College of Theology and Development, South Sudan
St. Paul’s University, Kenya
Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Syriac Orthodox Church
The Church in the Province of the West Indies
The Church of Pentecost, Ghana
The Reformed Family Forum, Southern Africa
The Good Samaritans, India
Theological College of Northern Nigeria
Uganda Christian University
UMCA Theological College, Nigeria
Université Shalom de Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo
University of Livingstonia, Malawi
World Communion of Reformed Churches
Zarephath Bible Seminary, Pakistan
Zomba Theological College, Malawi