600 km from Wuhan
From a Christian couple
“I urge you not to be afraid and not to despair, but to look at this time as an opportunity to serve: to serve God, family and others. Using any available resources.
“If it’s so much easier for us to cope with fear, it is because we have the almighty God, protector and healer Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit who strengthens us and gives peace, and of course the Kingdom of Heaven. Also, all the events that take place recently have not come as a surprise to us, because we are warned by the Word of God. We simply observe how the prophecies are slowly being fulfilled and we can only pray and glorify our Lord. People who do not know God are in fear, and some even in horror. And they all need God's peace.
“Now our quarantine is partially lifted, but the control is still strong. Each step is tracked and recorded. Wherever the store, transport, and generally to any building. There you go through registration, measure the temperature and send to the database the current location, position and body temperature.
“All the shops are already working, people went to work, the transport began to go, at rush hour again on traffic jams, we can say that the city came to life. The high school has already begun work and the middle and the youngest will open soon (here these schools are separate, as a rule they are not far from each other) Now while the children are studying remotely and the churches are not yet meeting, they are holding a meeting on the Internet. But the situation is getting better every day. We pray that everything would work out as soon as possible and everyone would be healthy.
“Being in quarantine, God taught us to trust Him even more, to see the fears, experiences and needs of people. The guys who at that time had not left yet and sat locked up afraid to even go out for groceries. I visited them and encouraged. We baked bread at home and I took them and shared the Word of God.
“You, too, do not worry much, trust the Lord and do not let yourself get bored.
Abundant blessings…”