From a senior pastor
“Despite the quarantine and the collapse of the viral situation in Turkmenistan, we, as a church, continue to spread the Gospel. We preach the Word, because this is a special time for the Church to bring Hope and Faith in the living God to people around. We learn ourselves and make disciples. We continue to believe in God and pray for revival in Turkmenistan and throughout Central Asia.
“The food situation scares the people, because prices are rising every day, life is becoming more expensive and people are in a panic. People can't get their salaries because there is no money in ATMs, and if there is money, there are huge queues at ATMs. Mostly people shop at the bazaar, but you can use only cash there. Stores accept payment by card, but everything is much more expensive there.
“Unfortunately, the authorities do not inform the population about the situation in the country. All information go “via word of mouth”. The country is completely closed, you can neither leave nor enter. According to rumours, the country is not ready to fight the virus. People burn dry grass that supposedly kills germs. The whole city is fumigated with this herb.
“How does this affect us? We try to take all precautions. Thank God, there is not a single case of virus infection among Christians. Of course, believers look on this situation in different ways, but we have the promises of the Great God for His protection...
“We united in prayer, mobilizing many local churches to pray against the virus, for healing the sick and wisdom for the government, for the economy, and for people to turn to Christ in this strange situation!”