Can you pray for and help alleviate hunger for persecuted Christians in South-East Asia this Thanksgiving season?
“I think I would die without this help,” said ”Yao”, a Christian widow, to our project partner in South-East Asia yesterday.
Rice is the staple food for everyone in her country.
But, with the rice harvest about to begin, prices are rising steeply. Many rice-fields have been bought up recently by foreign investors, who use the land to grow other crops to export. To make matters worse, flash flooding in October destroyed much of the rice that would have been harvested next month. Many poor or rural Christians wonder if they will have anything to eat.
On top of this, Christians in rural areas often face severe persecution. They are a small minority and are sometimes thrown out of their homes and off their farmland because they are faithful to Christ their Lord and Saviour. This leaves them destitute – without shelter, or means to grow food.

“I would die without this help.” ”Yao” is a widow who relies on the Barnabas-funded rice project. Your gifts will enable us to keep providing rice for her and other desperately poor Christians in South-East Asia so they can survive.
How you can help
Your gifts will be used to purchase rice from Christian farmers in the country, mill it and distribute the milled rice free, every month, to 120 local churches, mainly in rural areas. The congregations of all the churches total about 13,000 believers.
At each church, the elders decide each month who is most in need and how to allocate the rice. So your gift will always be feeding the hungriest and neediest of our brothers and sisters.