“I am Pastor Roy serving at Nilphamri Evangelical Cell Church. I am pastoring the area since 2014 and expanded the ministry and now I established four more churches. While I shared the Gospel I faced lots of problems because six families accepted Jesus from majority background. I was in prison but my faith was strong and therefore God rescued me from danger. Now we have 153 baptised members and God is increasing my ministry.”
Converts from Islam face great hostility in Bangladesh and sometimes violence, especially in rural areas. So do those who bring the Gospel to them. Some Christians involved in outreach to Muslims have been murdered. Hossain Ali was walking near his house early one morning, when three Muslims on motorcycles murdered him in a knife attack. The 68-year-old Muslim-background believer had regularly held church meetings in his home.

Despised and impoverished
“How long will we be persecuted in this country?” cried Rita, a Bangladeshi Christian, in desperation, as she recalled how a mob of about 30 Muslims forced her family from their home in Dhaka. Rita herself was injured in the attack and the police did nothing.

Vulnerable, despised and impoverished, Christians in Bangladesh are in desperate need.
Barnabas is building up believers and saving lives
But, with your help, Barnabas Fund is bringing hope and a future to the beleaguered Christian community in Bangladesh.
And when floods or cyclones come, Barnabas is there to give life-saving emergency relief.

“We were craving for food. Our little one had to remain hungry often. We don’t have a job, and we lost our crops, lands, house everything,” said Merry, who lives with her husband Jacob and their five-year-old daughter in a remote area of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The family received food and medical aid from Barnabas when they lost their home in a massive landslide during flooding this year. “We are now able to eat three times a day. Our Christ is our Saviour, Praise the Lord!”
Please help us make a life-changing difference to Christians in Bangladesh.