I have lost everything; lost my home and belongings. I have my children with me, and we left with only the clothes we had on.
This is a typical testimony that our project partners are hearing from the countless numbers of Christian refugee women and children who have fled Ukraine.
Another lady who lost her three children, is seen crying regularly. She has lost everything but still has her faith in Christ, and the love and practical support from her Christian brothers and sisters.
The continuing crisis
Millions of people have no safe place to call home, with a reported eight million internally displaced within Ukraine. More than five million people have already left Ukraine. Over half of them are children and most of the rest are women and the elderly. With rising food prices globally, neighbouring countries to Ukraine have reported a sharp increase in food prices, resulting in basic food being more expensive than even in the UK.

Donated food
Please consider donating food for Christian refugees from Ukraine and those still inside Ukraine who desperately need food.
We are asking you for donated food for Ukraine, specifically:
- tinned food (that can be opened without a can opener), especially sardines and canned meat;
- cup-a-soup packets; and
- energy bars.
Can you and your church collect the food for Ukraine? We have over 40 partner churches throughout the UK who are acting as collection hubs (please click here to see a list). We can then arrange for the food to be delivered to our Swindon warehouse. Alternatively, you can contact us on 01793 317778.
Can YOU give financially?
Please do give if you are able. With your donations we can bulk purchase food aid to send, pay for fuel for the lorries, or send some funds to meet specific needs that arise.

We still need YOUR help, please
“I am very thankful to you and your team for the help…our houses were bombed. Thank you so much. May God bless you,” said an elderly lady after receiving critical food aid from Barnabas Aid in Ukraine.
We are humbled and deeply grateful to our supporters that, by the grace of God, to date we have sent more than 200 tonnes of aid, with another 30-tonne lorry leaving our Swindon warehouse today.
However, the need is great.
Please keep giving and please keep praying for Ukraine and the whole region.
What will you give?
Your financial donations will enable us to bulk buy food at a low cost.
A gift of $20 can provide a family with one warm, nutritional meal per day for two weeks
A gift of $40 can provide a family with one warm, nutritional meal per day for a month.
Please donate so that we can keep sending urgently needed food.