A total of 1,400 filled food.gives boxes have been distributed among poor Christian families in Brazil by members of a church youth group from Germany.
The boxes were filled with dry food staples and hygiene items funded with donations from members of their church in Germany.
Many Brazilian Christians are among those who suffer from extreme levels of poverty.

A Christian boy in Brasilia sits in front of hundreds of food.gives boxes awaiting distribution to poor Christians by members of the German youth group.
On the first day of their visit, the 34 members of the group spent time packing boxes at a food.gives collection point in Brasilia. Later they took part in the distribution process, visiting seven impoverished neighborhoods to give the filled food.gives boxes to Christians in need.
One stop was at a church-run social project that provides food and activities for mothers and children, where 200 boxes were handed out. Several mothers were also given boxes to take for neighbors who have difficulty walking or carrying.
“There were joyful and happy faces everywhere that day,” said the youth group leader.
A German church leader thanked youth group members for their hard work. “I saw how you packed the food boxes like busy bees and give them to the brothers and sisters in need,” he said.
Give thanks for the generosity of German Christians and youth group members whose support for food.gives helped so many Christians in need in Brazil. Ask that the Lord will continue to bless the work of food.gives as it responds to help hungry and suffering Christians around the world.
Project reference: PR1555 (food.gives)