The dog is said to be man’s best friend and our canine pals are certainly helping many Muslims and others who have turned to Christ in one area of Kazakhstan.
Many of these converts have been saved through church ministries that help them overcome drug and alcohol problems. But most still face rejection by society at large, especially if they have left Islam to follow Christ.
This is where the dogs come in.

A local church is building a home for these believers with most of the construction costs paid for by Barnabas. Here they will get used to their new life.
As well as comfort in Christ, and the new home, the converts are also breeding Kazakh wolfhounds, which, along with farming work, brings in a good income.
The dog-breeding and farming work enables them to provide for their basic everyday needs.
The local church continues to help these people in their personal recoveries and their new fellowship with Christ and – when possible – restore relationships with their families.