Nigerian Islamists Post Video of Kidnapped Pastor Held at Gunpoint

June 27, 2024

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Renewed prayers are needed for kidnapped Nigerian pastor Paul Musa after he was shown being held at gunpoint in a new video posted online by his captors, the Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram.

Pastor Paul, 59, and his wife Ruth, 50, were abducted in March 2023 from their home in northern Borno State.

The new 15-second video, believed to have been posted over the weekend of June 22/23, shows the pastor wearing an orange jumpsuit and kneeling in front of a masked gunman.

Christian Pastor Paul Musa from Nigeria shown on the video posted by Boko Haram

Pastor Paul Musa shown on the video posted by Boko Haram.

The pastor does not refer to his wife by name in the video, but he states that unless Boko Haram’s demands are met by the end of the week then “this will be for our lives.”

In May, 2024, the terrorist group posted a video of the couple in which Pastor Paul called on the government and the Christian Association of Nigeria for help in securing their release.

The pastor was shown questioning why he and his wife were still in captivity when Muslims kidnapped at around the same time had been freed.

Many pastors are among the Christians who are often kidnapped by Islamists in northern and Middle Belt Nigeria. Islamist terrorists waging an ongoing campaign of anti-Christian violence are estimated to have killed 45,000 believers since 2009.

Pray that Pastor Paul and Ruth will be released. Ask that, in any circumstances, they will continue to put their trust in the Lord for their strength and salvation, and that their steadfast faith will be a powerful witness to the men of violence of the enduring love of God.

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