Hungry. Cold. Sick. Such is daily life for many Christian children in Lebanon this winter. Little ones cannot remember when food, health and warmth were normal. Their country’s chronic economic disaster means that their parents struggle to afford − or even find − bread, heating fuel and medicines. Barnabas Aid is giving simple food parcels, with tasty and nourishing treats, to hundreds of Christian children in Lebanon this Christmas.

Christian children in Lebanon are hungry. Could you give a Christmas gift of a tasty nourishing food pack?
“Sipho”, a young Zimbabwean boy, claps his hands as he praises God in his church. But when it is time to pray, what does Sipho request from his heavenly Father? Perhaps a daily bowl of ePap. It is a nourishing maize porridge full of protein, vitamins and minerals, so he will not feel weak and lethargic at school. It would cost only 12p ($0.17; €0.14) a day to give Sipho his daily ePap – or 6p a day for a younger child.

Can you provide nourishment for “Sipho”?
This class of Pakistani Christian children needs a new school building. Their old one collapsed in the catastrophic floods that afflicted Sindh province this year. Even their few simple workbooks were destroyed. Now their teacher gives them lessons under a temporary shelter.

These Christian children have lost their school building. Can you help?
Will you give a Christmas gift to help young believers who are enduring so much?
As we look forward to celebrating our Saviour’s humble birth, many of the little ones who trust and love Him today are suffering terribly. They are hungry, cold, sick, unable to get even basic schooling. Some are orphans.
But through Barnabas Aid you could help provide all these things for some of the neediest and most vulnerable Christian children in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
As we count the days until Christmas, could you give a gift towards our Christmas appeal and be a channel of God’s blessing for Christian children in need?
£10 ($12; €11.60) could bring Christmas joy to a child in Lebanon by providing a food parcel of tasty and nourishing food items
£3.60 ($5.10; €4.20) could provide enough ePap porridge to strengthen a child like “Sipho” for a month, or a child under seven for two months.
£24 ($32; €28) could help provide a year’s education for a Christian child at a very simple, basic school in Pakistan