Vital repairs to a worship hall at a centre used for church retreats in Central Asia have been completed, thanks to Barnabas funding.
The hall is owned by a registered church and provides a safe meeting place for thousands of converts from Islam who are members of unregistered churches.
The hall’s leaking roof was repaired, new flooring was laid and all the lights were replaced. Additionally, both inside and outside walls were painted.

Church volunteers stepped in to complete essential repairs within a month
Along with these repairs, air conditioning was installed, making it possible to make use of the hall all year round, even amid fierce summer heat that can regularly exceed 45°C.
Church volunteers carried out much of the renovation work. Their contribution was invaluable, given the sharply rising cost of building materials. As a result it was possible to reach planned targets within a month.
Our partners in Central Asia are looking to maximise the use of the hall. Working with various Christian organisations, they plan to hold team building sessions, summer camps and personal growth training events. Special programmes targeted at children, youth and family are also envisaged.
Having access to a registered church building enables Christians in the region to meet legally and therefore safely.
Praise God for the vision of our partners and the industry of volunteers that made these crucial repairs possible. Pray for wisdom for the centre’s leaders in making best use of the hall to build up God’s people in Central Asia. Ask that Christians throughout the region will be encouraged and strengthened through the range of activities organised.
Project reference: PR1424 (Church Buildings in Central Asia)