Drought and war. Hunger and destruction. Churches attacked. People displaced. Such is Ethiopia today.
In this desperate situation, Ethiopian Christians cling in faith to God. But millions of our brothers and sisters do not have a copy of the Bible in their own language. Will you give them the gift of God’s Word to encourage and strengthen them in their time of trial?

The Church is growing fast among the Oromo people, but there are not enough Oromo Bibles for these millions of believers. Can you help?
The Church is growing fast amongst the Oromo ethnic group, with over 20 million Oromo Christians already. But not more than a million Oromo Bibles have ever been printed – and that includes an antiquated translation dating from the 1890s.
There is great hunger for the life-changing Scriptures, especially in these terrible times.
The Oromo Bible Society aims to print 100,000 copies of the Bible, in a modern Oromo translation, over a period of three years. They have asked Barnabas Aid to help fund the first phase, in which 27,000 copies will be printed, God willing. Despite their poverty, Ethiopians ‒ Oromos and non-Oromos, inside Ethiopia and outside it ‒ have contributed nearly half the cost of this first print-run. We want to cover the rest of the cost. Will you share with us in making this a reality?

Will you give our brothers and sisters the gift of the Macaafa Qulqulluu (Oromo for “Holy Bible”) in their own language?
As wheat shipped from Ukraine begins to arrive in Ethiopia, providing physical food for at least some of its hungry people, join with us in providing spiritual food.
The cost of printing one copy of the Oromo-language Bible is just $9.20.
How many will you give?