Afghan Christians thank the Lord for safe refuge in Brazil where they can worship freely
Churches provide for refugee families’ needs

Larmina and her husband Isar arrive at the airport in Brazil with their children, aged 18 months to 18, and Larmina’s elderly mother
Family tell of escape from Taliban
Praise God for His protection
Samim, a pharmacist from Kabul, was introduced to Jesus when he read a Christian page on Facebook. Secretly he began to study the Bible and watch worship services online.
When the Taliban came to power, Samim crossed into a neighbouring country where he was supported by Barnabas. He began to help us find homes for refugees, arrange the documentation for them to travel to a safe country, and risked arrest by going to the Afghan border to help
Christians cross.
“God protected me so much,” he said. “I am very happy He used me for His service.”
“I am so grateful for my God who provided everything for me here”
Now Samim is beginning a new chapter of his life in Brazil. “I am so grateful for my God who provided everything for me here – I can worship God, I can pray, I can be with my God.”
Thanks to Brazilian government
Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas, says, “We are deeply grateful to the Brazilian government, and thankful to God, for providing a safe refuge for Afghan Christians. Families in grave danger in their home country are now able to live as Christians and worship freely for the first time, and rebuild their shattered lives.”
Barnabas Aid’s Operation Safe Havens has helped many Christians over the years.
We have rescued more than 8,000 South Sudanese Christians, by plane and bus, who needed to escape from Islamic northern Sudan. We have also rescued over 1,700 Syrian and Iraqi Christians, helping them to settle in safe Western countries.
Christian convert scarred in acid attack gives thanks to Jesus
Vangai, a Christian convert from Islam, fled Afghanistan when she heard that the Taliban were planning to release prisoners from jail, and she feared her Muslim husband would be among them.
Vangai was sold in marriage at the age of nine to her father’s cousin, a man in his 50s. She was only 12 when she became pregnant with the first of her four children, a daughter.
Her husband regularly beat her or hurt her with a knife during their marriage, abuse that culminated in him throwing acid in her face, a terrible attack for which he was jailed.
Imagine his fury if, released from prison, he found out that while Vangai recovered from her injuries, which left her scarred and without the use of her right eye, she had discovered the loving, healing power of Jesus, and become a Christian?
Vangai escaped Afghanistan with her daughter, three sons, mother, brother and sister, who each decided to follow Christ after she shared her faith with them. With the help of Barnabas, they are now living in Brazil.
Vangai learned about Jesus for the first time from a Christian missionary who arranged for her to receive plastic surgery. “I understood that Jesus Christ was the real God,” she told us.
“Once I had known about Jesus there was nothing else more important than Him.”
She added, “For me having a relationship with God is much more important than getting my face back.
“Jesus is my best friend and I am so happy that He is with me in every difficulty. When I die I want Him to tell me that He is satisfied with me as a true believer.”
Project reference: 01-901 (Needy and persecuted Afghan Christians)