Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains what to expect when Barnabas Aid collects and uses your personal information. Please read it carefully. Barnabas Aid takes data protection seriously and stores your personal data securely. We protect the confidentiality of your personal information and always ensure its security. If you would like to learn more about our data protection and privacy policies or get further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Address: 20 Amersham Way, Laidlaw Building, Level 6 Manukau City, Auckland 2104
Call: (09) 280 4385 or 0800 008 805

Our Promise

Barnabas Aid is committed to respecting your privacy and ensuring the personal information you have entrusted to us is processed in accordance with current regulations. We will never pass on your details to another charity or organization.

How and What Personal Information We Collect

We collect personal information directly from you when you make the decision to donate or sign up to receive our mailings. We also periodically run petitions for people to sign. If you signed a petition, the information you have opted in to provide will be used to keep you informed of Barnabas Aid’s wider work, unless you have opted out of receiving these updates from us. Here is the personal information we collect:

  • Personal identifiers such as your title and name
  • Contact details including your postal address for physical mailings, or your telephone number and email for electronic communication
  • Financial information such as your bank details if you have set up a recurring gift with Barnabas Aid
  • Records of your contact with us

We will never “cold call” our supporters. We only use your telephone number if we need to follow up on a donation issue or other query, or if there is an issue with an order you have placed with us.

Sensitive Personal Data

All your information submitted via our website will be transmitted in a secure fashion. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts any sensitive information you input. For example, if you make a card donation online, the card number and your contact details are encrypted and sent to the appropriate card company.

Why We Collect Personal Information

There are various reasons why we need to collect personal data, including the following:

  • To process donations;
  • To keep you informed about our work by postal mail and/or email;
  • To send you resources that you have ordered
  • To send you an annual giving tax letter

Marketing Permissions

We try to keep you, with your permission, informed and up to date regarding our work, the issues faced by the persecuted church worldwide and how your support is making an impact. This could include sending you magazines, special appeals, email updates and information for prayer. Your prayers for our work and for our persecuted brothers and sisters are extremely important, so we do not require a donation in response to us sending you this information on a regular basis.

Postal marketing: We send our magazines and postal updates to our supporters unless or until you notify us that you would prefer not to receive this information by postal mail.

Email marketing: We ask you for your email address so that we can keep you more up to date with the current needs around the world. We will keep you informed until you unsubscribe from our email mailing list (which can be done by clicking on the link in the email itself).

Telephone marketing: Unlike many other organizations, we will never cold call you and we will only ever make a note of your telephone number in order to resolve an issue or follow up on a query you have raised.

Barnabas Aid is fully committed to respecting your choice to receive marketing communication. You can update your permission and contact preferences at any time by contacting us at the above address.

Who We Share Your Information With

Barnabas Aid is a global partner of Barnabas Aid International. Barnabas Aid will only share personal information that is either consented to or necessary to fulfill its obligations with Barnabas Aid International.

Barnabas Aid may also share you your personal information with trusted third parties, such as our printers, where it is necessary to provide products you have requested, such as receiving our magazine by postal mail. In situations like this, we demand the third parties to have written contracts, which obligate them to process your personal information only on our instruction, securely, and in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws.


Fundraising is essential for Barnabas Aid to make a difference to the lives of our persecuted and suffering brothers and sisters. We endeavor to be transparent, open, efficient and ethical in the way we raise funds and in the manner in which we contact supporters.

We raise funds from:

  • appeals through our own literature such as the Barnabas Aid magazine, which is sent to people on our mailing list and distributed at church meetings
  • appeals via emails sent to people on our email list
  • appeal leaflets in other carefully selected Christian publications
  • appeals on our website and on social media

We never cold-call people, our supporters, or carry out street collections.

You can contact us at any time to opt out of receiving information from us, and we will stop mailing you as soon as we receive your request. Please note that you may still receive some printed material if the next mailing is already being processed at the time your request is received.

Your Rights

You have the right:

  • To request from us in writing all of the personal information that we hold about you
  • To correct or update your personal information processed and held by Barnabas Aid;
  • To be removed from our mailing lists (please note that we have up to 28 days to comply with a request not to receive postal mailings)
  • To withdraw your consent for your data to be used unless there is an overriding need for us to keep the data, for example for tax purposes and audit requirements

Data Deletion

If you wish to have your personal information removed from our records, you can submit a deletion request by contacting us at the address given at the top of this page. Please provide us with specific details about the data you would like to have deleted, such as your name, email address, and any other relevant information to help us identify and locate your data accurately. We will promptly review your request and take appropriate actions in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Once your data are deleted, it will no longer be accessible or used by us, except in exceptional circumstances where we are legally obligated to retain certain information.

Information to Improve Our Site

We collect web statistics automatically about your visit to our site based on your IP address. This information is used to help us track what people are reading on the site so that we can improve it. We do not use this information to identify you as an individual, and you will remain anonymous, unless you are asked to identify yourself when completing a form to receive our free materials and/or when completing an online transaction.


Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log and visitor behavior information. They are used by our website to remember user preferences such as display properties and language preferences. Also, if you complete our online registration process, and/or subsequently log in to the site, we will use cookies to remember your preferences during your current visit, and any future visits, provided the cookie was not deleted in the interim. Cookies can be deleted at the end of each visit. Your browser help text will contain information about how to refuse cookies from our site should you wish. Refusing cookies from our site may affect your ability to perform online transactions, and some other website functions may not act as expected.

Changes to This Privacy Notice

Barnabas Aid will review this privacy notice regularly and may update it at any time. Please do check this privacy notice from time to time. If there are any significant changes in the way we process your personal information, we will ensure it is prominently displayed on our website and/or send you a notification.