Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, and a time of feasting.
Many of us will prepare a traditional lunch for Christmas Day. Some will be planning meals with colleagues and friends. We may enjoy Christmas desserts, treats, and candy.
Yet as we enjoy these good gifts, we should also remember that things are very different for our brothers and sisters in lands of poverty and hunger. donations enabled Zimbabwean Christian children to concentrate better and thrive in school.
A global food crisis has taken hold in many parts of the world, caused by economic problems, weather extremes and natural disasters, and increasing levels of armed conflict. More than 300 million people worldwide are facing acute hunger. This number continues to grow.
Thousands and thousands of Christians are among those suffering. Some are chronically malnourished, others on the brink of starvation.
Far from a time of feasting, for these believers Christmas is another time of struggling to survive.
Give Life-Saving Aid
In 2021 Barnabas Aid set up our project. Its aim is to send urgently needed food to Christians in hunger hotspots around the world.
In 2024 alone we have provided 5.2 million servings of food to hungry believers in five countries in five different regions of the world.
“We are so grateful to God for providing us with food through the generosity of the Barnabas group,” said Grace in Fiji. Her family were among 1,008 Fijian families who received aid from

Ukrainian Christians are thankful for the continuing support of
“We are now left only with Barnabas’ help,” said a Christian in Ukraine,“and we are so thankful because you stayed close to us, supported us with food, clothes, hygiene, and children’s necessities.”
“Your contribution has been nothing short of life saving,” added a project partner in Zimbabwe. But more needs to be done. As the crisis continues, so our response must continue.
“We thank God for having put in your hearts to donate food for us, this has been like manna from heaven in the midst of the deep crisis,” added a church partner in Cuba as food arrived just before a hurricane knocked out power for several days.
You Can Help
As we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must also remember His command to those who love and follow Him.
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (John 13:34-35). provided impoverished believers in Fiji with 120,960 servings of food.
Could you show practical love to your brothers and sisters in Christ by supporting the work of
Could you make a donation towards running costs or shipping costs that will help keep our vital ministry working?
Please pray that the Lord who promises to provide for the needs of His children (Philippians 4:19) will bless our efforts to feed the hungry.