Leave a Legacy

Blessed to be a blessing to others


A legacy of love for generations to come

God blessed Abraham so that he could in turn be a blessing to others (Genesis 12:2). Not just members of his own family, tribe, city or nation, but all the peoples of the earth. After you have taken care of your loved ones in your will, please consider widening your care to those who belong to your extended family, that is your Christian brothers and sisters worldwide.

After your pilgrimage on this earth has ended, your legacy can live on for generations – a witness to Christ’s love and an honouring affirmation of the connection of the Body of believers to one another. Your gift can save future generations from poverty and hardship, inspire them to hold firm to the faith in the midst of trial, and know the hope that springs from the encouragement that they do not suffer alone and unknown.

Once your loved ones have been taken care of, what will be your legacy?

Your gift will go a long way to bless other believers. Barnabas Aid’s unique role as a channel of hope and aid from Christians, through Christians, to Christians means that your legacy will be used for the greatest impact. Barnabas Aid works through local Christian partners around the world to meet the needs of believers directly and cost-effectively.

When you go to heaven let your endeavours on earth continue

By remembering Barnabas Aid in your will, even after you have gone to glory, your legacy can transform the lives of Christians who face persecution, discrimination and poverty. You can feed hungry Christians, help them recover from violence or disaster, inspire persecuted believers to stand firm through the gift of God’s Word, or transform the future of a child by supporting their schooling in a Christian environment. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

If you would like more information about how to leave a gift to Barnabas Aid through your will, please contact:

Address: GPO Box 612, Adelaide SA 5001
Call: (08) 8117 8079 or 1300 365 799
Email: australia@barnabasaid.org