Recent Al-Shabaab attacks on Christians in northern Kenya have left children traumatised, shut down transport links and severed trust between Somali locals and Christians, who are now the targets of public abuse.

Barnabas Fund’s project partner in the region writes, “Fresh Al-Shabaab attacks erupted in Lamu early 2018 with the militants targeting villages around the army base … Pray for our children they are really traumatized by the situations happening in this field, I recall my first born asking me and I quote, Dad why can’t you request for an airplane to take us out of this place? I reminded her that God is in control; therefore we are in need of serious prayers.”
Movement between towns and villages has become a great challenge, as militants have planted landmines on roads. The few drivers willing to carry passengers are charging fares up to five times the normal rate.
The murder of the three Christians at Qarsa primary school on 16 February 2018 has severed trust between Somali locals and Christians, as locals are believed to know the perpetrators of the attack.
Nearly all the Christian teachers in Wajir have fled the area and “Most of the communities in Wajir have grown hostile to … Christians, occasionally pelting stones at them”.
From Barnabas Fund project partners
(Publishing on GCN shortly)