Pray with us

Daily Prayer

Daily Prayer

Join us in daily prayer

Daily Prayer

A daily prayer request from *Barnabas Prayer* is available from the "View Daily Prayer" link below. The prayer is also available on Facebook, Twitter, and as an insert in our free bi-monthly *Barnabas Aid* magazine.

View daily prayer
Prayer Focus Update

Prayer Focus Update

Prayer Focus Update

Prayer Focus Update

A monthly resource containing latest news from the persecuted Church together with associated praise and prayer points to assist you in your prayers. Primarily designed for prayer groups, it can also be used by individuals.

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Prayer Diary

Prayer Diary

Prayer Diary

Prayer Diary

Our bi-monthly prayer diary, Barnabas Prayer, helps you lift up in prayer the latest needs of our suffering brothers and sisters each day.

View prayer diary
Praying for the Suffering Church

Praying for the Suffering Church

Praying for the Suffering Church

Praying for the Suffering Church

This booklet is provided to inspire and focus your prayers for our Lord’s suffering people. Most pages are dedicated to a particular country where Christians experience discrimination, harassment or violence for His sake, giving background information and suggestions for prayer.

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Other Prayer Resources

Other Prayer Resources

Other Prayer Resources

Other Prayer Resources

There are many others resources available from Barnabas Aid to assist you in your prayers, including previous prayer diaries and material from our recent Suffering Church Action and Awareness Week (SCAAW).

Prayer resources