Armenian Christians in Nagorno-Karabakh are still trapped and struggling to survive – can you help them endure?
Christians blockaded in Nagorno-Karabakh urgently need food and hygiene essentials. Amongst them are many elderly, children and sick.

Almost totally encircled by the territory of Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh and its population of 120,000 Armenians have been cut off from Armenia since December 2022. They are desperately short of food, medicine and fuel because of an Azerbaijani blockade of the Lachin Corridor for the last five months. It’s the only land route from Armenia into Nagorno-Karabakh.

Christians blockaded in Nagorno-Karabakh urgently need food and hygiene essentials. Amongst them are many elderly, children and sick – can you help?
This growing humanitarian crisis in the region is now very serious, despite much-needed support already provided by Barnabas Aid. Through God’s provision and your gifts, we have already managed to provide 180 tonnes of food – nine truck-loads – for our suffering brothers and sisters, despite the blockade.
But the need is still huge.
Will you pray that the Lord will sustain our brothers and sisters mentally and spiritually during this prolonged time of trial? Will you give again to provide for their physical needs?
How you can help
Giving any amount, large or small, will give hope to our suffering brothers and sisters in Nagorno-Karabakh, by providing essentials such as lentils, beans, rice, oil, flour, salt, sugar, and powdered milk for infants as well as soap, washing powder and toothpaste.
£16 ($20; €18) could provide 10kg of food and hygiene items
£24 ($30; €27) could provide 15kg of food and hygiene items
£80 ($100; €90) could provide 50kg of food and hygiene items